Thursday, February 26, 2009

Im simply trying, you just hella lying.

Damn, good ass morning taking my time. Arrived at school and left to head to SMC (St. Marys College) Pretty campus, we were greeted by this guy who talked to us for hella long about the college. Me and jessica kept spelling shit on the paper he gave out. We toured the campus and then went to eat. Played telephone i guess? Hahha Me starting with "I'm full" went to Analieze saying something totally different. Arrived at school just mid of 6th. Didn't have to take the test muaha, have an extra day, have a shitload of things to make up right now. After school though, me ces and jessica went to napaHS to watch the baseball game. Then went to jamba, dropped ces home and went to hannahs.

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