I was too tired to make my blog last night so gotta do it this morning. Friday afterschoool went to my house w/ jessica and got picked up by hannah and went to her house, jesssica asked if she could go to her house real quick and suprised hannah w/ a cuteass all black puppppppy, 2 months old for a late bday present. She, no actually I, named her chesssa well idk if thats the exact spellling but anywho joanne p tagged along and we all went to hannahs. Daniel picked us up and we were hella excited cus the top was down and hannah jessica and i stood up for the first half mile and no suprise joanne told daniel to break suddenly every 2 seconds. But it was fun, until i got out the car and my hair was tangled. It was hellllllllllla hot, went to joanne u. house then headed to the game. A lot of people, it brang up memories from last year. It was fun, left at 9? and went to daniels house for his birthday. I went home at like 10 and fell asleep at 11, THEN jessica hella called me at 1240 so she can pick up her bag -______- anddddd i couldn't go back to sleep till 2, thennnnnn my brother called me at like 8 i feel bad cus hes at bart and my mom won't pick him up, but still cant go back to sleep im hungry kbye.

Hannahs house; jesssica in the back; Chessca!

my brother!

"I want a picture w/ you on your blog" -Jaypee.
http://killahippos.blogspot.com/WOOOHOOOJAYPEEZY (8:39:18 PM): "return of the mack"
Cupquake says (8:39:28 PM): Hahaha you love it.
WOOOHOOOJAYPEEZY (8:39:58 PM): no you love it im the mack and ive returned
No jaypee i don't think your weird.. haha. But i do think you smell like hotdog:)
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