freshman on the bus. I drove to school tho, got some sour patch from jamba juice. I taught the words retard to narmeen in elephant and she kept saying to the turor. I laughed hella loud and the sub said i should lower the "outburst" but anyways, in history we had to take a healthy kids test survey thing and it talked about drugs and shit in school waaaste of time cus i know everyone would lie on it. We also had homecoming ralley and it was fun cus' joanne & i were dancing and screaming the loudest actually I was screaming the loudest it was hella funny and after, hella people were telling me that they saw/ heard me screaming haha. Im excited for tomorrow me jessica and hannah get SPECIAL short days and we don't have to go to 6th(;. My mom showed me this letter we got in the mail showing that the government took $10,000 out of my college fund my parents been saving for.. i was pretty upset. 20,000 to 11,000 ... my mom was saying the economy is bad and i was asking her who took my money cus i thought it was like the president that took it or something ha
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