Damn, it's already thursday and tomorrows friday shit, this week went by fast. Today was my last day (thankgod) of my behind the wheel training once alex came to pick me up he told me for the first 30 minutes i can go whereever i wanted.. i didn't know were to go, like it wasn't even funny hahaha he was just like go where you would go if you had you lisence.. i passed jessicas house, then hannahs house, then joannes house HAHA then the 3o minutes was over. I try to impress him by going RIGHT on the speed limit. I told him my l's test would be at vacaville so he took me there it was emberrassing when we were going over what they would evaluate me on and he was like 3+3 ? and i was like 6 then he was like plus 3 and i was like 9 then he said plus three and i said 13 -_______________________- HAHHA then i did it again saying 16.. HAHAH shit.. but the 2hrs went by fast and i made a couple mistakes -_- a stupid ass driver was trying to cut me on the freeway and he kept telling me to go faster on the freeway when i was already going 65.
OKAY joanne.. you want to play..

HAHAHAHHAHAHA i cannnnnnot, ily joanne(:
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