Saturday, January 31, 2009
Ate at annies pandas for lunch w/ some fam and then left at 1 to pick up jessica and joanne. We watched a wrestling match at rod and saw daniel and lorenzo, left and went to my house. It's only 4, watched uninvited with myra, hannah, jessica, and joanne. So that movie was JUST alright, wouldn't recommend to watch it tho, don't want to ruin it but it didn't really make sense. But anyways, after picked up daniel and chilled at my house. Hannah and myra left to napa to watch big game soccer i guess? They made signs at my house. It was 940 and daniel made us some wontons haha.

Friday, January 30, 2009
Sleep at nine, wake up at nine.
Well anyways, i picked up joanne at her house around 415ish and went to pick up jaypee at the skate park and daniel at his house. Waited at bethel for lorenzo for like an hr cus' he had wrestling. Left and headed to jessicas house. We took some pictures on the mac then decided to go to sonic + jamba juice. Headed back home and lorenzo dropped some ranch on jessicas new suade couch AHHAHAHAH i couldn't stop laughing. We call him the ranch man now. Marvin, axl, and will came over but i had to be home at nine & give everyone a ride home but i wasn't trying to have 6 people in my car + me so i made 2 trips to vallejo. First was will and jaypee but marvin and axl rode with me and decided to come back too, and then daniel and lorenzo. It was almost nine and i thought i was lost coming back to a/c haha. But anyways i was only 2 minutes late and my mom was already in her room lights out. Good day goood day.

-Btw we didn't even get to take our picture jaypee!
Well anyways, i picked up joanne at her house around 415ish and went to pick up jaypee at the skate park and daniel at his house. Waited at bethel for lorenzo for like an hr cus' he had wrestling. Left and headed to jessicas house. We took some pictures on the mac then decided to go to sonic + jamba juice. Headed back home and lorenzo dropped some ranch on jessicas new suade couch AHHAHAHAH i couldn't stop laughing. We call him the ranch man now. Marvin, axl, and will came over but i had to be home at nine & give everyone a ride home but i wasn't trying to have 6 people in my car + me so i made 2 trips to vallejo. First was will and jaypee but marvin and axl rode with me and decided to come back too, and then daniel and lorenzo. It was almost nine and i thought i was lost coming back to a/c haha. But anyways i was only 2 minutes late and my mom was already in her room lights out. Good day goood day.
-Btw we didn't even get to take our picture jaypee!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Your type =
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Damn, i'm starting to have trouble remembering things i do days before. But anyways, FRIDAY was trying to watch my bloody valentine with hannah, jessica and carlos but you have to be 21 to get in. HELLA people at edwards so we decided to go bowling. Well everyone else did but me. Yesterday went to baldos with jessica and went to my house so she can help me with my project, had to measure my house and such. Hannah FINALLY picked us up to go to trishas. Had a fun time, we were laughing and talking about joannes party. Left at around 9:50ish. Sunday went to church and after to wal-mart to go grocery. Went home and ate, after drove to my uncles house so he can draw the project i was talking about, he's an architech<-? So i had an advantage. Basically just chilled the rest of the day.
Monday, January 19, 2009
spotted ----
This 3 day weekend went by way to fasst.
Yesterday went to jocelles house, took some pictures and went to safeway and longs to buy come gum and candycorn. After that me and my dad went to my aunties house down the street. Did my history hw the whole time. Straight 4 hrs, still not done.
Today ran errands w/ my dad.
1. Change oil in my car
2. Bank
3. Island pacific
4. Dollar store
My dad told me he had found an ipod in my moms car and i asked what kind it was and he said, a purple one. Oooohsh/t hella months ago i thought i lost my ipod but i guess it was under the seats of my moms car. Hahha aw, oh well. After i drove to pick up jessica and went to hannahs house. Kicked it w/ angel, anthony and his cousin. Raced and i hella won haha jk sh/t was scary.

-Didn't know it was possible, a 60gb ipod w/ only not even a 1gb used up.

Yesterday went to jocelles house, took some pictures and went to safeway and longs to buy come gum and candycorn. After that me and my dad went to my aunties house down the street. Did my history hw the whole time. Straight 4 hrs, still not done.
Today ran errands w/ my dad.
1. Change oil in my car
2. Bank
3. Island pacific
4. Dollar store
My dad told me he had found an ipod in my moms car and i asked what kind it was and he said, a purple one. Oooohsh/t hella months ago i thought i lost my ipod but i guess it was under the seats of my moms car. Hahha aw, oh well. After i drove to pick up jessica and went to hannahs house. Kicked it w/ angel, anthony and his cousin. Raced and i hella won haha jk sh/t was scary.
-Didn't know it was possible, a 60gb ipod w/ only not even a 1gb used up.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sum up.
Friday - Long day. AFTER school, picked up trisha joanne and samantha and went to napa to get ..
1. trishas lip peirced.
2. joannes nose peirced.
3. &samanthas industrial.
It was HELLLLLLLLLLA funny how joanne got hers peirced, me and hannah were dying it was hilarioussss, anyways, you just had to be there. After that, we went to walmart so i can buy some dye and trisha a new peircing. We saw alex and rob and headed to my house and ate there.
Saturday - Woke up at ugly ass 7:45am to get ready for my dentsit appt in sf. Went to WaMu and mcdonalds w/ my dad and went to walmart to go look at some toys to buy for some 8 y/o kid i guess his co-workers son or something and it took him foreverrr, but he didn't end up buying anything. Went home and i drove to hannahs house. I fell asleep and she woke me up and told me we were leaving and we didn't leave until 10 minutes later! Hahaha allcia, ian and their friend came w/ us to the mall. We went to tapx and bought them tickets to MALL COP. Saw jessica there and bought some shoes at shiekh and hannah and jessica tried some sh/t on at angel.
1. trishas lip peirced.
2. joannes nose peirced.
3. &samanthas industrial.
It was HELLLLLLLLLLA funny how joanne got hers peirced, me and hannah were dying it was hilarioussss, anyways, you just had to be there. After that, we went to walmart so i can buy some dye and trisha a new peircing. We saw alex and rob and headed to my house and ate there.
Saturday - Woke up at ugly ass 7:45am to get ready for my dentsit appt in sf. Went to WaMu and mcdonalds w/ my dad and went to walmart to go look at some toys to buy for some 8 y/o kid i guess his co-workers son or something and it took him foreverrr, but he didn't end up buying anything. Went home and i drove to hannahs house. I fell asleep and she woke me up and told me we were leaving and we didn't leave until 10 minutes later! Hahaha allcia, ian and their friend came w/ us to the mall. We went to tapx and bought them tickets to MALL COP. Saw jessica there and bought some shoes at shiekh and hannah and jessica tried some sh/t on at angel.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Team Nik-gelllllllaaaayy
Sh/t start when i woke up at 7:08 when i set my alarm at 6:50. Picked up jessica and headed to school. Was on time tho, had a sacratic semenar in avid, it was alright. Got an A for talking 3 times. I told jessica to ask a question since she was sitting next to me and i would answer it since it was hard to get a word in. We were talking about failure and success. "failure breeds success" Other than that it was an alright day. Took off katherine and camille out to lunch w/ jessica. We went to mcdonalds and there was hannah and carlos, there anniversary is today like a year and a month? Carlos kept messing with me and kept drinking my small orange soda :( In french had a quiz and i had to stay after class cus' i didn't get anything. Last one to finish -_- 6th chem. played jeopardy and was in 2nd place. After school took geli home and kris f was behind us i didn't know haha, sorry for cutting you off there buddy. Anyways, light hw. Goooodday.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
So yesterday Jerome came over and talked to my parents about some stuff and he left and i headed to pick up jessica and trisha so we can watch the unborn. It seemd short but it was scary. These girls in front of us made us laugh. One of them screamed when there was a part when the girl opens the mirror and she thought something scary would happen haha everyone was laughing. And one of them said camel toe and me and trisha could not stop laughing. And when there was a scary ass face on the screen all of a sudden the girl ran out the theatre HAHA. After, i dropped trisha home and me and jessica went to hannahs and we both vacumed my car. I dropped an itunes card at kris's and i headed home and found out my parents were at my cousins' jocelles house to i had to drive there. And me jocelle and miles went to wendys to get some frosty, thaanks miles! Hahaha, and after that ate dinner at my aunties house. Fell asleep on the couch and left at 10pm.
Today got visited my moms long family friend from las vegas. I've hung out with her son and daughter jerome and christine w/ my brother wayne ever since we were little. Had lunch with them and went to a.js house to visit. My mom and her friend kept talking about how they always helped each other out and all the good times they had going to the club and out and about. Jessica and jonah came over and just played guitar hero in my room. Still finishing my history homework.
Today got visited my moms long family friend from las vegas. I've hung out with her son and daughter jerome and christine w/ my brother wayne ever since we were little. Had lunch with them and went to a.js house to visit. My mom and her friend kept talking about how they always helped each other out and all the good times they had going to the club and out and about. Jessica and jonah came over and just played guitar hero in my room. Still finishing my history homework.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
picked up joanne and trisha at bethel with jessica and almost got into an accident. Ran a light and gave a homeless guy a dollar, well joanne did. Dropped trisha home and me joanne and jessica went to my house and chilled for a little. Left to pick up trisha at chowking and followed her parents to the movies but left to meeet up with hannah and carlos at safeway. Saw jerome and asked if he'd like to come with us to fairfield to handle some BUSINESS. We followed him home and he rode with me and jessica and trisha in my car and joanne rode with hannah and carlos. Hella traffic on the freeway and we finally found our destination after looking at 3 different street and donuting 2 in row. I dropped off jerome and we met up at jessicas house. Played pokemon nintendo AND might i add i HELLA won omg, fckin everyone sucked at that game and i never even owned a nintendo they kept saying i have it secretly stashed and i play it at night -_- haha, after played rockband. Hannah had to drop of carlos and we went to trishas house to make her birthday list of people were gonna invite.

picked up joanne and trisha at bethel with jessica and almost got into an accident. Ran a light and gave a homeless guy a dollar, well joanne did. Dropped trisha home and me joanne and jessica went to my house and chilled for a little. Left to pick up trisha at chowking and followed her parents to the movies but left to meeet up with hannah and carlos at safeway. Saw jerome and asked if he'd like to come with us to fairfield to handle some BUSINESS. We followed him home and he rode with me and jessica and trisha in my car and joanne rode with hannah and carlos. Hella traffic on the freeway and we finally found our destination after looking at 3 different street and donuting 2 in row. I dropped off jerome and we met up at jessicas house. Played pokemon nintendo AND might i add i HELLA won omg, fckin everyone sucked at that game and i never even owned a nintendo they kept saying i have it secretly stashed and i play it at night -_- haha, after played rockband. Hannah had to drop of carlos and we went to trishas house to make her birthday list of people were gonna invite.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I have hella hw. Today at lunch, me, rachel, hannah, carlos and jessica went to burger king and i'd like to say i am no longer a whopper virgin HAHA it was my first time eating there. Well anyways, after school went to joannes house, she's sick :( get welll, and saw dominos babies, they're like hamster sized.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Joanne got dropped off my house and i had to clean the living room with all the christmas stuff. We left and i went to the bank and picked up some money and headed to rodriguez. It was like 1 so we were like helll no were not gonnna wait for a million minutes so we went to jelly belly AHA we went to thr tour and it was pretty boring. All these kids kept bumping into me and they had like 8 stops.. right after the tour we left then went back to rod. and it was about 240. Saw some people and dropped my cousin home. After that we went to alexis house and i bought some shoes off of her. Dropped joanne off and headed home.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
freak a leaak.
So yesterday hannah picked me up with justine and we went to tapx in fairfield. After, we went to sticky rice and met justines' boyfriend erick there. That restaurant was nice, me and hannah are not aloud at those types haha we kept laughing and messsing around. Justine went with her boyfriend and hannah and i headed back to pick up jessica. I went back home real quick to change and we picked up joanne. We went to kathys house for her sons rjs' birthday. It was pretty fun in the beg. Everyone was dancing esp kathy and her husband haha AND the song YOU by plies was playing too haha. They played joannes song and she was singing and me and hannah and jessica were back up, it was a live show haha. It was hella funny cus' i was like "I did this beat!" and the guy that actually did it was like o_0 "No you didn't!" Lmfao. Left to choice real quick and kathy asked us to buy some stuff at safeway. Went back and did the cake, chilled out back and left at 11pm.
TODAY: Happy Birthday Grandma(:
Ate at China chef wok & grill, w/ the fam. After went to choice with hannah and jessica and bought some shirts and flats. One more day till' school :/
TODAY: Happy Birthday Grandma(:
Ate at China chef wok & grill, w/ the fam. After went to choice with hannah and jessica and bought some shirts and flats. One more day till' school :/
Friday, January 2, 2009
"Get ready!"
This morning went to hannahs house and chilled for a little. I wanted some sonics so we went through the drive thru and went back to her house so she could get ready, i said it about.. 25 times till' she actually got up haha. We went to visit jessica and her little cousins and gio was there too. We left and me and hannah were suppose to go to the mall but my grandma called me and told me i should clean my room and that she should give me money. So i went home and cleaned my rooom(:
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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