Yesterday went to jocelles house, took some pictures and went to safeway and longs to buy come gum and candycorn. After that me and my dad went to my aunties house down the street. Did my history hw the whole time. Straight 4 hrs, still not done.
Today ran errands w/ my dad.
1. Change oil in my car
2. Bank
3. Island pacific
4. Dollar store
My dad told me he had found an ipod in my moms car and i asked what kind it was and he said, a purple one. Oooohsh/t hella months ago i thought i lost my ipod but i guess it was under the seats of my moms car. Hahha aw, oh well. After i drove to pick up jessica and went to hannahs house. Kicked it w/ angel, anthony and his cousin. Raced and i hella won haha jk sh/t was scary.
-Didn't know it was possible, a 60gb ipod w/ only not even a 1gb used up.
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