Sunday, January 4, 2009

freak a leaak.

So yesterday hannah picked me up with justine and we went to tapx in fairfield. After, we went to sticky rice and met justines' boyfriend erick there. That restaurant was nice, me and hannah are not aloud at those types haha we kept laughing and messsing around. Justine went with her boyfriend and hannah and i headed back to pick up jessica. I went back home real quick to change and we picked up joanne. We went to kathys house for her sons rjs' birthday. It was pretty fun in the beg. Everyone was dancing esp kathy and her husband haha AND the song YOU by plies was playing too haha. They played joannes song and she was singing and me and hannah and jessica were back up, it was a live show haha. It was hella funny cus' i was like "I did this beat!" and the guy that actually did it was like o_0 "No you didn't!" Lmfao. Left to choice real quick and kathy asked us to buy some stuff at safeway. Went back and did the cake, chilled out back and left at 11pm.

TODAY: Happy Birthday Grandma(:
Ate at China chef wok & grill, w/ the fam. After went to choice with hannah and jessica and bought some shirts and flats. One more day till' school :/

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