Sunday, January 25, 2009


Damn, i'm starting to have trouble remembering things i do days before. But anyways, FRIDAY was trying to watch my bloody valentine with hannah, jessica and carlos but you have to be 21 to get in. HELLA people at edwards so we decided to go bowling. Well everyone else did but me. Yesterday went to baldos with jessica and went to my house so she can help me with my project, had to measure my house and such. Hannah FINALLY picked us up to go to trishas. Had a fun time, we were laughing and talking about joannes party. Left at around 9:50ish. Sunday went to church and after to wal-mart to go grocery. Went home and ate, after drove to my uncles house so he can draw the project i was talking about, he's an architech<-? So i had an advantage. Basically just chilled the rest of the day.

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