Saturday, September 20, 2008

"Beauty is pain"

my dentist says, went to my dentist in sf this morning 830 am apt. hella early. Got an x ray and the lady knows i hate the xrays cus i'll always tell her to stop cus i feel like gagging haha, and my dentist was hella scraping my gums and they were bleeding. Then got a cleaning after. Went to B&M after to eat. I hella love their fish. Got a ticket for parking I GUESS in a non parking zone? Idk gotta pay 60 tho -_- anyways, my brother and his friend met us up in the restaurant we ate, then left. Headed home, noticed there was hella traffic esp because sonic opened. I have a headace. Kbye.


she was hella dancing, and my parents think i should apply for THAT job.



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