Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"When you were young..

the rule was not to draw or write anywhere else except on a piece of paper" -___- my mom reminded me that today because i had a drawing on my arm and i would like to blame... not me. This girl in my classs which i don't even really know came and sat next to me and poked me with her pen and it made a mark, me being NICE laughed my fake laugh and she just started drawing on me! i freakin guesss. But anyways, why is it getttting hot -_- the weather says 54 currently and i feel like its 80 -_-. But yeah idk. This week is going by hella fast. I gotta do a project for chem and i don't have any color ink and my mom is yelling at me for it wowowoowow annnnoyed cus she told me to get off the phone. ASDFGHJKL;'

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