Saturday, November 8, 2008

chopppped choppped.

Too busy all week to have made a blog. It was a normal week. Today was fun(: Last night slept at 9 so woke up at like 8. Hannah txted me this morning asking if i was awake and so i called her. She said her parents went to san jose and wouldnt be home till' later. She looked if they left the keys to the car and they did. Asked my dad to drop me there and me and hannah went to pick up joanne. Went to old navy and choice then got some food @ mcdonalds. Saw miami(: havn't seen him in hella long. Then went to pick up trisha and buy soup for hannahs grandpa. THEN went back to hannahs house to give it to him and we all took turns driving shit was funny. Picked up carlos in napa and went to jessicas house. Met jhonny and jerome there. Jerome, trisha and jessica rode in one car while me joanne and jhonny in another, went to napa to get some "sht" done -_-. Afterwords ate at the vietnamese place in vallejo, and went to starbucks to visit chris and get some drinks. Jerome and Jhonny turfed outside for awhile and we went to walmart after cus' i had to buy chapstick and jessica needed to buy a card. Dropped jessica home and went to my house. Joannes sleeping over, i want to see her talk in her sleep lol, my brothers bringing me food later and i finally get to meet ariel(:





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