Saturday, November 15, 2008


Woke up at 7 -_- blah, went to sf for my dentist apt. with my mom. Usually my dad drives us but i guess he had to do something so he couldn't, SO instead my mom drove.. She was yelling at me cus' i didn't put the address in the gps thing. Whatever. Well arrived at my dentist and was sooo bored, after i asked my mom if i could go visit my brother and she was like blah blah no.. wahaw. So went to richmond for my mom to buy some stuff and i looked in hello kitty stores. We ate at a veitnamese restaurant and when we left i was like "mom! my bag!" but i was holding it.. When i got home i took the laptop in my room and my mom asked for it but i told her to use the comp. but i guesss not? She txted me for the laptop and even called my cell too. She knocked on my door hella loud and started cussing at me.. whatever. Hella annoyed. Got a letter about neiborhood watch in our street.. we're starting to use the alarm system and my dad even bought a backup too -_- My brother came home and we went to sonics cus' we were hungry.. Happy hour(: Came home and just watched some t.v. First weekend since school started i really havn't done anything :/ I played guitar hero for a little cus' the new show rockband battle? or whatever haha was on and made me want to play. Im bored and i need to get out.

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