Thursday, November 13, 2008


Long day -_-. Found out the house next to that one house next to me? got robbed i guess and there was like 4 police cars and a big ass dog in it. My neiborhood has had a lot of burglaries since the last 2-3 months. Im kind of scared now so i'm starting to lock my door cus i am NOT trying to get any of my sh/t taken. Drove to old navy to return that "geisha grandma" cardigan as jessica calls it and got my 32 dollars back. Drove back cus' a.j came over and we ate dinner. The police was still there and when i "pretended" to get the mail one of the cops came up to me and asked if i saw anyone running when i was walking home, sadly i didn't. These kids found out how to use the webcam.

vv did NOT teach her that.



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