Thursday, October 23, 2008

Future voter.

Simple day, in history did a voting thing, had to write mccains, obamas and this other guys ahha policies. Then put who we had to vote, a pretty big deal cus' i guess people wanna hear what us "youth" have to say haha and plus people were there taking pictures. ahha and i got interviewd hella nervracking<- ? because i'm kind of not really into that politics stuff, but i'd still vote haha but i got asked "What do you think people your age want in a president" hahah i said, "Change.. hahaha and a cool president that will change things that aren't so good in the world right now especially the economy, and things for the climate change" and then she asked "How much do you think people your age care about the climate change" and i said "Well i think half half because the wheather is pretty weird and the world is going to end soon" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA wwoowowowow, i can't believe i said that WHYTF did i say that? I didn't mean it she just kept looking at me and i panicked haha. But i hope she didn't put THAT part cus' i don't wanna look stupid -__- Kristy was next to me and when i was done she was hella laughing at me haha. She also who am i mostly leaning towards in a president then she said she asked most everyone and they said they like obama and she wondered did i think there was at least one person leaning towards mccain and i said "i think my teacher?" haha i think he heard me cus' he was mugging me inside the classroom.

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