Sunday, October 19, 2008


Lastnight had dinner w/ some fam in greenvalley. Got to see cupcakes brother ex name FAMG he got so big. Went home around 10? Picked up jessica so she could sleep over. Almost crashed in the freeway -_- Slept at 1 and woke up at 10. Made breakfast for jessica&i. Made her a damn grilledcheese cus' she likes the way i make it ;) Watched 8mile for the milllionth time, and found out it was jessicas first time :o Hahha, she went home at 150 about and now i'm just doing hw, no procrastination today. Dads playing poker in the garage, they ordered pizza cus' it's his friends birthday, annoying kids on motorcycles keep passing my damn street -_-




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