Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Made myself a peanutbutter sandwhich for breakfast and brought some brisk to school. Won vocab bingo in avid, but i hella wasn't suppose to MHM. :x haha Got to pick something out of the bag of goods :O! haha and got a nail file but changed my mind and got a sonoma state lanyard? <- spell check and got one for gilliane too (; haha. Fell asleep in history after the test and it was all quiet and i made a whiny noise i thought the teacher called me ahha i got scared. Today was a short day, again it was hot and my dad tells me in the morning since its gonna be winter i should wear a jacket but he doesn't know how freakin' hot it is after school. I don't even bring my camera to school as much :/ friday tho. I'm trying to look for shoes, i found some 14s from the package but i don't think the girl logs on her profile thing on fsf so i can't get a hold of her.

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