Wednesday, October 8, 2008


every morning is annoying now haha. Ug everyone was making fun of me in french today cus' of how i told them my mom cuts my steak for me i was talking about laundry, her cutting and making my sandwhiches for me hahah hey its not my fault, she offers .. but me and cessy were talking about prom next year(: There was this word on the board ' quoi ' and i pernounced it koy hahaha and its suppose to be like kwa and i really think i'm the stupidest in the class i said i don't even know what i'm doing in french 3 and like wtf mostly how i even got here ahhaha. But w/e. It needs to be cold now cus its tooo hot for it to be october. Im tired, and procrastination is my worst enemy right now. +Congrats to erik for getting his l's! hahaa. Hannah came to trade more shirts w/ alicia and ryan came to visit.




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