Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No time.

1st period: Did tutorials and my teacher for some reason was in a bad mood.
2nd period: Watched a movie, fell asleep but kept waking up cus' whoever fell asleep got referals.
3rd period: The guy next to me kept hitting me w/ a rubberband.
4th period: Had a test on cuckoo's nest which took the whole period, it was alright.
5th period: Went by fast.
6th period: Got caught daydreaming.

Tried to put gas in the car but ending not because it was being stupid.
Moms leaving 430am tomorrow, she's off to london.
My phone sim got locked and now i can't use my phone :( x93025


Idevenk wtf that was, its not a screen saver or anything haha.
PSAT tomorrow, and Collegenight 6:30-8:45

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