Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another long ass day

8-930am: had my dentist apt. in sf. just a quick touch up and check up.

1230: went to joannes house to TRY to pick out what to wear today and then got picked up by hannah at around 130ish?

130: went to jessicas house but none of the guys were there so hannah wanted to get her necklace at home.

2: limo arrives and NONE of the guys are there yet. LAGGGGIN it. waited for 30 min for the guys. played some music and headed to walnut creek. messed w/ some people in there cars. i sang business to a guy across, it was pretty funny and this 18+ guys driving went close to us and was dancing w/ us and this guy in the backseat was on a bong SHIT WAS HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLA FUNNY me and jessica were laughing so fucking hard.

430: arrive at walnut creek and shop at h&m.

500: go to pf changs and eat.

6: walk to barnes and nobles and read some boooks.

830: limo comes and we head home, first 20 minutes i fall asleep and the last 2 minute ride in the limo we blast some funny ass songs and MOST OF US -_- starts dancing.





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