Tuesday, December 9, 2008


In english today mr. neal was talking about death of the salesman questions and he was like "biff couldn't answer the question like de la hoya couldn't make it to round 9" HAHAHHA and was like "PAQUIAO!" hahaha shit was funny. His wifes filipino so yeah. Anyways, my powerpoint final is due tomorrow and the best thing happened! My power point wasn't working! Hahha i called hella people -_- i was desperate but called hannah, and was like do you have power point? and she was like yeah and i was like okay! i'm coming over and she was like im sleeeeeeping and i was like TOO THE FUCK BAD hahah her bitchass tried denying me but bitchass the 2nd one i saved on my email thing wouldn't open i guess it was too big and when i was being delusional on the ground cus it was taking hella long to load she was like it opened! but it really didn't -_- i went home not really finishing. idk what to do.

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