Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I passssed my l's test(: My parents HELLA didn't want me to cus' they know i'd be out all day. So i kept waking up last night, idk if i was anxious or if it was the cold -_- but i got up and got ready, clippped my bangs haha and made sure i wore something confortable. We drove to fairfield and i met my auntie there, i got a really nice guy and he passed me with 10 marked. I realllly thought i wasn't going to pass b/c 2 RUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE people honked at me hahah and i ALMOST hit the curb when i was backing up in that straight line. When we were done, i walked towards my mom,dad, and auntie and had this sad face on to trick them ahha but i shouted.. I PASSSED! ahha and started almost tearing.. hahah jk i WAS cryingg... haha i got to take a new picture for my l's cus' it was hellla ugly. Ate at a vietnamese restaurant and went to island pacific and bought a Giant pocky stick box strawberry thing haha. Tomorrows hannahs, and i'm gonna be there to cheer her on, haha i'm gonna bring my YES sign(:

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