Monday, December 29, 2008


Woke up, and drove to hannahs, we went to target and bought a lint roller and some snapple. I bought some spamasubi and we saw jerome at ATT and said hi, we picked up jessica and rented SHUTTER at meadows. Went to starbucks to get her little strawberry lemonade blend, then she wanted to by some v-necks at walmart and there was this guy trying to get at hannah it was hellllla funny, he was like 33, and me and jessica hella ran the other way. We watched half of SHUTTER at hannahs and i had to take hannahs grandma to kaiser, she was taking HELLLLLLA long i parked 4 dif. times -_- It was funny cus' she kept telling me to slow down while going there. After that ate 'sapaghettti' at hannahs and decided to visit joanne, we "suprised" jaypee at his house and chilled in the car, i ran a light while dropping joanne home HAHAH i hella didn't see it, when i heard sirens i got scared.

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