Tuesday, December 16, 2008


for winterbreak is to go out everyday for the 3 weeks off. So far so good. So today hannah was telling me she was going to the mall w/ jesssica to buy my gift so i couldn't go so i was bored and just doing my hair cus' it was looking nasstaaay so suddenly jessica calls me saying she's going to pick me up w/ hannah in 3 minutes haha i had 3 minutes to pick what to wear, brush my teeth, call my mom to tell her i was leaving, anddddd get all mystuff together. I ran outside in a fcukin beeaaaderrr and my pants not even on right. But we headed to concord mallll and shoppped forever, i got a little treat in macys(; muhaha, welll anyways, afterwards went to l&l and jessica ordered like 4 spamaubis and we FINALLY left cus' she had to order twice. We visited trisha and kicked it there for a little. Oh ggeeeeez, l's test tomorrrow ASDFGHJKL;.



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