Monday, December 22, 2008


Omg, i swearrrrr haha. So after going to joannes house w/ hannah we went home and on the freeway i hella thought they didn't exit american canyon so then i was like WTF where you guys going and joanne was like where in a/c already and i was like WTF i've been following the wrong car? SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WENT TO GREENVALLEY! HEH! AWMAN i was going 100 already helllla scary stupid cars in my way i was trying to get home! and when i turned on kimberly i was on 80 and I ALMOST FLIPPED OVER. Fucking bitches REALLY did not exit so they followed me and hella laughed at me cus' they could tell i was scared when i turned HAHAHHAH but it's all good, got home safe.

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