Sunday, December 28, 2008


So this morning i was hella irritated b/c someone from new jersey called me at 630am TWICE and left a voice mail so it made more sound. My mom came in my rooom and took the laptop so THAT woke me up and my dad txtd me too asking if i was awake so i can wash my car. My mom made me put stuff away like things we took to reno and still needed to be unpacked. I washed my car and then got ready and went to jessicas house, hannah came over and i drove to the valllejo plaza so hannah can return some stuff at target and marshalls. In target this one girl was like "excuse me! excuse me! can i see your hair?" I thought she was talking to hannah since her hair is long and such but she was talking to me she said she had just graduated cosmotology and wanted to know how i did my hair HAHAHA um, i bleached it? Is what i said, man i wanted my hair to come out pink but now it's like a sunset color -_- she was like "I got extensions that are pink, call me! i'll hoook you up!" i was like alrightttt, hahaha i got her number, HAHA maybe i'll go get them. Trisha drove by and dropped me hannah and jessica to the parking spot i was at and then dropped hannah and jessica offf, went to pray the rosary at my aunties house in green vallley.

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