Monday, December 8, 2008


Joanne.. your so stupid. Hhhahaha that was funny though, i cannot with that dress. well anyways omg it's hella cold -_- i need to buy jackets now. 99.9% of my closets is literally just shirts. Today was alright, started off bad when mrs hutchinson looked like she was in a bad mood. We went to the computer lab to work on our career powerpoints due wednesday. 2nd period, did work as usual. 3rd, notes reviewing for the final on friday, 4th - watched death of a salesman and since i sat in the front the speakers were like right in my face -_- and that movie has a lot of yelling in it. 5th - didn't really do anything, but talked about our past ACE projects. Mrs. hutchinson talked to me about my french grade and she asked me what i was gonna do 2nd semester and i was like wellll, i want to be yout T.A and she was like no i want you to stick to french 3 i was like FHLJKFGRJG !#$%^&*(*&^*! wa ha ha ha haw! Whatever. 6th got better, "worked" on the studyguide while bryan and jake messed with my planner with staples -_- bryan kept txting people on my phone.

My mom said i can't get my car till' next year, I have to talk to my dad soon -_-

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